GEM Connection

Fundraising Frenzy!

Fundraising Frenzy!
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Rachel Watson
Status: Archived
Date Posted: Tue, 14 Aug 2018
As you may already know, GEM have a really busy year ahead...not only are we getting our new GEMettes ready for our November show (more info to come), we're also preparing to head to Spain in April to compete at the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers convention in Calpe - AND for our return to the LABBS convention stage in October 2019! Exciting times!

Now as you'd imagine, this not only takes a Herculean logistical task which our various committees work wonders at, but it also takes funds! Our fundraising committee sets up events and occasions throughout the GEM year to keep the coffers ticking over so we can fund both our chorus activities but also give back to our wider communities and barbershop family - keep your eyes on our events over on our Facebook page as any opportunities to help us to do this (AND be treated to a GEM sing to boot) will be posted on there.

Our Teddy Tombolas are a staple of the committee's activities, and you may well see them popping up at fairs, well dressings and the like all across the area - so if you have a stash of teddies that your kids have outgrown, bring them along to a rehearsal or pass them on to a GEM you know and we'll spruce them up and send them along to a new loving home :)